• Jobs contracts in Australia (for junior doctors) are given out for a maximum period of 1 year.
  • This means that every junior doctor (including trainees) needs to re-apply for a job every year, even if staying in the same hospital (in which case, it is more or less a formality)
  • For this purpose, every year, around May to September, each Australian state runs an annual recruitment drive called the ‘Campaign’.
  • The posts that are not filled through the Campaign are advertised/ filled later.
  • Getting your first job in Australia through the campaign is less likely. Applying to each hospital individually gives you a higher success rate of landing your first job.


  1. Queensland: https://www.health.qld.gov.au/employment/job-search
  2. New South Wales: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/careers/Pages/search_job.aspx
  3. Victoria: https://careers.vic.gov.au/jobs
  4. Western Australia: https://medjobswa.mercury.com.au
  5. Tasmania: https://careers.jobs.tas.gov.au
  6. Northern Territory: https://jobs.nt.gov.au

Jobs are also advertised through the following websites:

  1. https://www.seek.com.au
  2. https://au.indeed.com


  • Successful candidates will be notified about their interview date and time via email.
  • Most interviews are held online (via Skype, teams etc) or via a phone call
  • Remember that you are almost always guaranteed a job if you get an interview, unless you royally mess it up.
  • Most interviews last for <15 min.

Wondering how to prepare for the interview? Read about this here.

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