I prepared for about 25 days for my exam and I passed. This is because I had taken my MRCP 1 just 4-5 months before my AMC1. In hindsight, it was a bold risk that I took and would NOT recommend anyone to take this test with such a short duration of prep.

Ideal prep time would be around 2-3 months if you have strong basics and 4-6 months if your basics are weak.

I personally used only 2 resources:

  1. AMC handbook for MCQs
  2. John Murtagh General Practice- selected topics, read local guidelines

Some other recommended books that I did NOT use are:

  1. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine
  2. Anthropology of Medical Conditions
  3. Harrisons Principles of Internal Medicine
  4. Kaplan USMLE Step 2 CK

There are quite a few qbanks available online which you might use for your prep.

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